Kitchen Renovations 101

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The kitchen is the heart of every home. It’s the place where we gather together with our families and friends, and it’s not just about the cooking (although we know that that’s important, too!) The kitchen also serves as a meeting place. Kids do their homework at the kitchen table. Families argue about politics during holiday dinners. It’s where we conduct a huge part of our everyday lives, and a kitchen that can’t fit that role due to a myriad of reasons—being too small, being outdated, etc.—can really throw a wrench into that important social place in life.

Kitchen Renovations 101

A kitchen renovation is a great place to start towards your path of the ultimate dream home. At Redwood Homes Inc., our team of professionals will make sure you have the dream kitchen you’ve always wanted. Some of the things to consider when renovating a kitchen include:

  • Functionality of the space. How much room is available for prepping food? Does the cabinetry suit the space? Is there a pantry? Are the appliances a suitable size for the space available? Is there navigable space between the table, counters, etc. for easy movement?
  • Consider your style. What would make you enjoy your kitchen space fully? What type of kitchen renovation would create an atmosphere that brings joy? Think about the environment and the goal that a kitchen environment would create.
  • Modern appliances save money. Older appliances can lack the efficiency necessary to conserve energy. Eco-friendly models are crucial to help keep the home energy efficient. The best time to replace older models would be during a full kitchen renovation.
  • Think about the future. Should you ever decide to sell your home, what would a potential buyer want to see in a kitchen? Think about open concept: large, bright spaces that would suit anyone.

A kitchen renovation is likely one of the most important renovations that a homeowner can tackle. One of the primary spaces that a potential buyer will ask to see is the kitchen. And even if a homeowner has zero intention of ever selling the home, the enjoyment and satisfaction that come with having a dream kitchen are well worth the cost.