In most cases, it is far more cost effective to improve the home you currently in than to go through the hassle and expense of selling and buying a new home. In addition, you may love your neighbourhood and not want to relocate. If space is the main concern, instead of searching for a larger home, expand the one you have with a room addition or basement renovation. Here are some steps you’ll need to consider if you decide to proceed with a basement renovation before the actual building can start.
- Step #1 – Resolve any moisture issues. You don’t want your investment into a basement renovation to be put in jeopardy by mold and water damage. Investigate basement waterproofing if there is any dampness in your basement at any season of the year.
- Step #2 – Remove items stored in the basement. If you want your basement to be living space, you’ll need to arrange a different space for storage. Most families decide that the majority of items in the basement can be disposed of or moved to a storage facility. You also don’t want items in the way during the basement renovation project.
- Step #3 – Decide how you want to use your basement space. Often, the square footage of the basement is the same as the main floor, giving you ample room to do a variety of things with the space. You could convert it to an apartment if the idea of an income source is exciting, create a huge master bedroom and bathroom, set up a family area such as a media room or game room, or do a combination of things.
- Step #4 – Talk to a basement renovation professional. At this point, you need to know how feasible your ideas are, if they are allowed by building codes, and what the costs will be for your basement renovation. Once that is all settled, the building can begin!
If you are ready for a consultation or need advice about how to handle other preparatory steps, give us a call at Redwood Homes Inc. We love helping families take the underutilized basement in their home and turn it into additional living space. Call today to learn more by scheduling a consultation.