Home > Home Construction & Renovations Blog > The Dos and Don’ts of Bathroom Renovation

A bathroom renovation is one of the most popular renovation projects for homeowners. If you are considering a bathroom renovation, read this article first. Our seasoned experts have put together their top dos and don’ts of bathroom renovation.

There are many areas where you can save money in bathroom renovations

The Dos

  • Save photos of bathroom styles and bathroom renovations you like for inspiration
  • Consider neutral colours. This will help with the resale of your home if, by chance, you elect to do so in the future. Neutrals are timeless.
  • Define your budget before you start your renovation.
  • Define your priority list before you start your renovation.
  • Consider your lifestyle. For example, if you are the busy parent of three kids under 12 years old you are likely to opt for a different bathroom renovation than a single woman in her twenties.

The Don’ts

  • Avoid being too bold with the design. Yes, you should absolutely have your bathroom reflect your unique, personal style. The warning here is that too bold can be a bad thing. Styles might change, or you might decide to move, and the orange shag carpet you loved will be a real pain in the you know what.
  • There are many areas where you can save money in bathroom renovations; anything to do with water is not one of them. Showers, sinks, tubs and toilets are some of the most heavily used items in your home. Invest in quality here.
  • Remember to create enough space for functional storage. This is often a crucial item homeowners neglect in their home renovations.